

Updated on 2024-08-22 15:02:07 America/Vancouver

Check out uses.tech for a list of everyone's /uses pages!



Netease Yanxuan Standing Desk

(Cheap, <$300USD, great stablity, quiet also, must recommend)
(75cm to 123cm height)

IKEA MITTZON Standing Desk

(905.394.30 Frame + 005.278.51 Tabletop)
(Total $519CAD, IMO better than the netease one, built in cable management tray and surge protector, thinner tabletop, goes from 62-126cm, Headphones holder on both sides)


Steelcase Personality Plus Chair


(905.009.70 Seat + 304.342.66 Roller)
(Cheap as hell, $99CAD a piece, not even bad)

IKEA KOLON Floor Protector

(Damned hardwood floors)
($34.99CAD, Same price as the costco one, but its IKEA)


I use a Lenovo Legion y27qf-30 display for gaming, 8bit 1440p@240Hz, won't recommend if you want crisp motion without smearing. Mounted on an cheap BRATECK monitor arm, works well.


I run an Drunkdeer G65 for gaming (Hall Effect)

  • Case foam
  • PBTFans BOW keycap set (simple-icons-base)
  • Spacebar foam

KBDFans Tofu60 V2 WK Spray-Coated Klein Blue + Brass Weight

  • PC Plate
  • Silicone Bowl Mount (60g)
  • Gazzew Boba BLACK U4T 68g
  • NEO x QK 1.2mm Milk White PCB stabs(205g0 housing, XHT-BDZ wires)
  • PBTFans WOB keycap set (simple-base)
  • Case foam
  • KBDFans TOFU60 carrying case

CannonKeys BakenekoGO 60% Frosted Clear PC

  • Wireless ZMK w/ nRF52840
  • FR4 Plate
  • Gateron Smoothies 50g
  • Stock Cherry Stabs (Clipped, 205g0 + Dielectric Grease)
  • CannonKeys NicePBT Gray on White

Keychron Q1V2 Knob Edition

  • 3rd party POM plate
  • C3 “Equalz” V3 Stabs 205g0 + XHT-BDZ
  • Akko ASA profile keycap set
  • Akko Piano Pro V3 switches
  • 4 layer PCB tape + force break mod
  • 3rd party Poron + plastic sheet in case



Mouse / Mousepad



A X99 platform workstation PC (runs Arch btw)


  • Xeon E5-2667 v4 8c16t@3.2Ghz from taobao
  • Offbrand Chinese DDR4 X99 Motherboard with M.2 and gigabit ethernet from taobao
  • 2x8GB Samsung ECC RAM from taobao
  • Radeon RX590 GME (yes ik its a 580 rebrand but its cheap as hell <50$ on taobao)
  • 5Gbps USB3.2G1 3xtype-A + 2xtype-C PCIe card from taobao
  • 512GB M.2 Drive taken from acer laptop
  • 512GB SATA SSD from Lenovo on JD
  • 500GB HDD (unused)
  • Offbrand Dual-fan CPU Cooler from taobao
  • HKC Titan 600W PSU from taobao
  • Built inside an Sun Microsystems Ultra 24 Workstation case (ofc the dvd drive and fp IO doesn't work, removed disk bays)

A M2 MacBook Air from 2022 (16+512)




VSCode Vim + VSpaceCode / Neovim


CommitMono w/ ss03 ss04 ss05 cv01 cv02 cv06 cv08



Apps (MacOS)

Bunch of stuff in brew aamath aarch64-elf-gdb abseil adwaita-icon-theme aften aom aria2 aribb24 arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-gcc@8 arm-none-eabi-gdb asciinema aspell assimp at-spi2-core atk augeas autoconf automake avr-binutils avr-gcc@8 avrdude awk awscli bat berkeley-db berkeley-db@5 boost bootloadhid borders brotli btop c-ares ca-certificates caddy cairo calcurse capstone cava certbot certifi cffi chezmoi cjson clang-format cloc cmake cmatrix cocoapods code-server confuse coreutils cryptography curl dark-mode dav1d dbus deno dfu-programmer dfu-util dialog djvulibre dnsmasq doppler double-conversion dtc duf dust duti emacs-plus@29 enchant esptool evince eza fd ffmpeg fftw flac fontconfig freetype frei0r fribidi fzf gcc gd gdk-pixbuf gettext gh ghostscript giflib git git-lfs gitui glew glib glibmm@2.66 glow gmp gnu-sed gnu-tar gnupg gnuplot gnutls go gobject-introspection gource gperf gpgme gputils graphite2 grep groff gsettings-desktop-schemas gspell gtk+3 gtk-mac-integration gum harfbuzz helix hicolor-icon-theme hid_bootloader_cli hidapi highway htop httpie hunspell hwloc hyperfine ical-buddy icu4c imagemagick imath iniparser isl jack jansson jasper jbig2dec jpeg jpeg-turbo jpeg-xl jq lame lazygit leptonica libarchive libass libassuan libavif libb2 libbluray libcerf libde265 libepoxy libevent libftdi libgccjit libgcrypt libgit2 libgit2@1.7 libgpg-error libgxps libhandy libheif libidn libidn2 libimagequant libksba liblinear liblqr libltc libmicrohttpd libmng libmpc libnghttp2 libogg libomp libpaper libpipeline libplacebo libpng libqalculate libraqm libraw librist librsvg libsamplerate libsecret libsigc++@2 libsigrok libsigrokdecode libslirp libsndfile libsodium libsoxr libspectre libssh libssh2 libtasn1 libtiff libtool libunibreak libunistring libusb libusb-compat libuv libvidstab libvmaf libvorbis libvpx libvterm libx11 libxau libxcb libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxi libxrender libxtst libyaml libzip little-cms2 lolcat lpeg ltc-tools lua luajit luv lz4 lzo m4 mackup make man-db mbedtls md4c mdloader minicom mkcert molten-vk mongosh mosh most mpdecimal mpfr mpg123 mpv msgpack mujs ncdu ncurses neovim netpbm nettle ninja nmap node node@20 npth nspr nss numpy nushell oniguruma open-mpi openblas opencore-amr openexr openjdk openjpeg openssl@1.1 openssl@3 opus p11-kit pandoc pango pcre2 pfetch-rs pillow pinentry pixman pkg-config platformio pmix poppler portaudio protobuf psutils py3cairo pycparser pygobject3 python-certifi python-cryptography python-tk@3.11 python-tk@3.12 python@3.11 python@3.12 qemu qmk qpdf qt rav1e raylib rclone readline ripgrep rtmpdump rubberband ruby s-lang sdcc sdl2 sdl2_image shaderc shared-mime-info sigrok-cli sketchybar sl snappy speex sqlite srt sshpass starship sudo-touchid svt-av1 switchaudio-osx tcl-tk teensy_loader_cli telnet tesseract tesseract-lang texinfo theora tldr tree tree-sitter typst uchardet unbound unibilium vapoursynth vde vulkan-headers vulkan-loader watch webp west wget x264 x265 xcodes xorgproto xvid xz yazi yt-dlp z3 zellij zeromq zig zimg zlib zls zola zouxian zoxide zsh-autosuggestions zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting zstd 1password-cli adobe-creative-cloud alacritty alt-tab altserver amie angry-ip-scanner apparency arduino-ide audacity balenaetcher bambu-studio basictex betterdisplay blender bruno chromium clashx coolterm crystalfetch digital dingtalk easy-move-plus-resize fig figma firefox-developer-edition font-fantasque-sans-mono-nerd-font font-fira-code font-fira-code-nerd-font font-geist font-geist-mono font-geist-mono-nerd-font font-hack font-hack-nerd-font font-intel-one-mono font-inter font-iosevka font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font font-monaspace font-monaspace-nerd-font font-monomaniac-one font-rubik font-rubik-marker-hatch font-rubik-mono-one font-rubik-one font-source-code-pro ganttproject ghidra gitkraken hyperkey iina imageoptim imhex inkscape insomnia jetbrains-toolbox jordanbaird-ice karabiner-elements keka kekaexternalhelper keybase kicad kopiaui linearmouse logi-options-plus loop lyricsx maccy mullvad-browser neat neovide netnewswire ngrok notion nvidia-geforce-now obs obsidian onedrive openscad openvisualtraceroute orbstack orcaslicer parsec polypane processing prusaslicer qbittorrent qlcolorcode qlimagesize qlmarkdown qlstephen qlvideo quicklook-json raspberry-pi-imager raycast rectangle runjs segger-ozone shortcutdetective sioyek slack steam suspicious-package syntax-highlight tailscale tencent-meeting thonny thunderbird tidal ubersicht utm uu-booster vial visual-studio-code vlc vnc-viewer warp wezterm whatsapp whisky wireshark xquartz zed zed@preview zoom zotero